Darryl Palmer posted video of his c*onfrontation with a woman he accused of bringing a toddler out in cold temperatures wearing nothing but a diaper. (Twitter / video screenshot)

@iFeelLdzy,_, who’s real name is Darryl Palmer, says in a video posted to Twitter that it was only about 50 degrees out when the woman came walking up the block with the diaper-clad toddler.

“She has no clothes on!” Palmer screams before c*onfronting the woman directly.

“Why would you come outside with this little girl and she ain’t got no clothes on? It’s too cold for that.”

A bystander’s demands for Palmer to “please stop” because he was “really scaring” her children only seemed to anger him more, as he subsequently pointed out that her three kids were clothed while the Black toddler was not. Palmer then criticized the woman, who is white, for suggesting that it was his yelling that was making the little girl cry.

“No, she’s [crying] because she’s f—–g cold,” he says.

“Yes, I am cursing, I am loud,” Palmer continues as witnesses watch in shock. “No, I will not [stop]. This little girl just got clothes put on her, was just outside with a diaper on. That’s bulls–t!”

Palmer then turns the camera on himself and says, “This is gentrification.”

The Philadelphia man, who indicates he has children of his own, continues to rant over the alleged mistreatment of the child as another bystander tries to calm him down. A school bus arrives minutes later to pick up the kids at the corner, and the video ends.

Palmer’s approach was apparently too brash for bystanders, but social media users applauded him for stepping up in the young girl’s defense.

One critic described the incident as a “tale of 2 cities,” arguing, “but let it had been a Black mother with their baby out like that and DHS would be all over it.”

“I want somebody to check on baby girl smh” another user wrote. “Where’s her socks??? Her shoes??? A BLANKET? Poor baby.”

“Tbh I wouldn’t have handle this the same way, but I am NOT at all mad at how bro handled it,” one man chimed in. “Different personalities definitely but this was still KING worthy. Big ups to you, and anybody who MAD about how this is handled, put YOUR FUCKIN kid in the position. Think on that.”

A fellow user agreed, writing, “It’s not normal to ‘allow’ your children to be outside with just a diaper . People are mad bc he is yelling? Nah fam, he is a concerned citizen. Period.”

It appears that the little girl, who looks to be about 2 years old, was with a caretaker when the incident unfolded Tuesday. According comments under Palmer’s post, the toddler parents are aware of what happened and “the agency,” presumably Philly’s Department of Human Services, has been notified.

Palmer hasn’t responded to Atlanta Black Star’s request for comment.

Watch more in the video below.

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