Kevin Hunter was also reportedly fired from "The Wendy Williams Show."

New a*llegations about Wendy Williams‘ husband were surfacing after the talk show host f*iled for d*ivorce last week following more than two decades of marriage. Now, a singer who claimed he was formerly sighed to Kevin Hunter‘s record label has a*ccused him of s*exual a*ssault.

Aveon Falstar also alleged he had a s*exual relationship with Hunter throughout last year. While talking Saturday on the podcast “unWineWithTashaK,” Falstar described the extent of their relationship.

“It was much more of an a*busement relationship,” Falstar said. “It was much more of a put me down and keep me as your boy toy relationship. We did [have s*ex] … He came over and practically raped me at 3 o’clock in the morning.”

Falstar also claimed Wendy “ch*eated on his a*ss like a m*therf*cker,” which is why he said he didn’t feel g*uilty about his a*lleged a*ffair with Hunter. Falstar also a*lleged that he saw Hunter physically a*buse Williams.

Falstar said his a*ttorneys sent a “pre-s*uit” demand letter that addressed s*exual a*ssault and s*exual h*umiliation. He admitted to asking for an undisclosed amount of money. Watch the interview — it is graphic:

Hunter a*ttorneys released a statement referring to Falstar by his government name.

“The claims levied by Mr. Aveon Williams against Mr. Kevin Hunter are baseless and are completely false,” lawyers told Page Six.

“Mr. Williams’ actions are a part of an elaborate scheme to extort money from Mr. Hunter and is nothing more than an attempt to shake him down for financial gain.”

The statement continued, “This office did not offer to settle this matter for any amount nor did we counter their offer as, in accordance with our own independent i*nvestigation of these claims, we determined that Mr. Williams’ claims were without merit and we will not allow our client to be e*xtorted by Mr. Williams. Mr. Hunter denies Mr. Williams’ claims in the entirety and it further s*addens us that Mr. Williams is essentially making light of c*rimes involving s*exual b*attery by levying these false claims, which a great d*isservice to those individuals who have actually been the v*ictim of these types of h*einous c*rimes.”

In other news, Hunter was reportedly f*ired from “The Wendy Williams Show.” He was also supposedly given 48 hours to move out of the home he shared with Williams, according to The Daily Mail.

There have been reports of marital s*trife for months. The most d*amning report was that Sharina Hudson, Hunter’s alleged mistress, gave birth to their child, leading to the talk show host supposedly being h*ospitalized.

When Williams announced her d*ivorce, a rep for her said in a statement, “Thank you to everyone for respecting the family’s privacy during this time. Kevin is supportive of Wendy and they are working through this process together.”

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