Just last week, the internet went wild with fury when a video surfaced showing a woman licking tubs of ice cream and putting them back on the shelves for other shoppers to buy. Following the order, police issued a statement revealing they had identified the culprit in question.

According to CBS News, if the woman is c*onvicted she would be facing a second-degree f*elony t*ampering with a consumer product, and could face between two and 22 years in p*rison.

Now, yet another new video has hit the web. This time, it shows a Walmart shopper gargling mouthwash before spitting it back into the bottle and putting it back on the shelf.

n the video clip, ‘Bameron Nicole Smith’ can be heard saying, “Girl, it has been one musty f**king morning.” The woman then swills the mouthwash in her mouth, then exclaims, “Mmm, nice and minty and fresh. Thank you guys.”

The original video was uploaded to Twitter on July 5 captioned, “You b**ches with no oral hygiene could take a hint.”

The clip quickly went viral and evoked a storm of backlash from viewers all over the world.

Talking to the MailOnline Walmart released a statement saying, “We are i*nvestigating this i*ncident. If someone tampers with a product and leaves it on the shelf, we will work with law enf*orcement to identify and prosecute those found responsible to the fullest extent of the law.”

Later on, Smith posted another tweet in which she can be seen holding up a receipt from the store – implying that she did buy the mouthwash she gargled after filming the video.

Hopefully, the truth comes out and the proper steps taken to ensure this new distasteful trend.

Don’t you agree?

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