Nicholas Turner’s body was spotted by a neighbour on the day he should have graduated
A student killed himself at home on the day he would have been attending his graduation, an inquest has been told.

Nicholas Turner, 23, went back to his parents’ house in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, before summer this year after finishing his course.

However, he told them that he had received a 2:1 in mechanical engineering at Southampton University when in fact he had failed.

The graduation ceremony was due to take place on July 23 and his parents were getting ready to go to the event with him.

But a neighbour spotted his body hanging outside his parents house shortly after 7am that morning, Maidstone Coroner’s Court heard.

The inquest was told that he did not appear to be distressed the night before he died and had made dinner for his family.

His father Geoff said he only discovered that his son had failed his course following his death.

He said: ‘He had taken on quite a challenging course in his education but had always done well or appeared to do well.’

Detective Sergeant Brian Smith said Nicholas’s body was spotted by the neighbour from an upstairs bathroom and by a passing pedestrian.

Coroner Geoffrey Smith told the inquest: ‘Nicholas was a young man on the threshold of his life.

‘He had finished university, with a degree or not, he appears to have kept the exact nature of certain parts of his life from his family. It is not for me to speculate.

Concluding a verdict of suicide, the coroner added that he did not know if guilt had played a part in Nicholas’s death.
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