•Fabian Farquharson, 37, has been gulping down his own u/rine for three years

•He started drin/king it after reading about the purp/orted health benefits online

•Interior designer, from She/ffield, says he feels hea/lthier, happier, and smarter

Fabian Farquharson, from Sheffield, South Y/orks, claims his uri/ne tastes like bitt/er al/e.

The 37-year-old first started the b/izarre practise three years ago after reading about the apparent heal/th benefits online.

Fabian starts every day with a pint of fresh ur/ine, followed by 300-400ml of aged wee, and claims the unusual thirst quench/er has left him feeling healthier, happier and smarter.

WEE CELLAR: Fabian Farquha/rson claims his u/rine tastes like bitter a/le.

He said: “I’d been researching alternative m/edicines when I read about drinking aged urine. I've always been open-minded about that sort of thing, so I decided to give it a go and drink it fresh.

“It tasted a bit like a bitter al.e initially, it was quite strong but not a t/errible taste and I had no problem finishing the glass.

“It was about half an hour later that I started to feel am/azing, I was absolutely b/ursting with energy. Now I'd never go a day without it and would recommend it to anyone.”

The interior designer was experiencing p/ains in his stomach that doctors couldn't get to the bottom of when he started researching alternative medic/ines and holistic the/rapies in 2013.

PEE: The interior designer claims the unusual thirst quen/cher has left him feeling healthier (Pic: SWNS)

Fabian, who is originally from Birmingham, said: “I was travelling a lot for work and eat/ing junk food – Burger King, McDonald's, anything conv/enient.

“I was getting a lot of pai/n in my stomach and scans couldn't find an ulcer or anything that could explain it, so I started look/ing online more and more.

“I’ve always been quite into hol/istic health but that was when I started to adopt it into my life more – starti/ng with my diet."

He ad/opted a “fruitarian” diet – eating almost exclusively raw fruits – and immediately noticed a difference.

URINE: Fabian has been gulping down his own fre/sh and month-old urine for three ye/ars (Pic: SWNS)

THRIST-QUENCHER: Fabian's wee stock (Pic: SWNS)

Fabian explained: “I started to eliminate 'normal' foods and ate only fruit.

“I’ll use mangoes, pineapple, strawberries - any fruit really, and add in chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp powder to make a smoothie.

“I quickly started to feel amazing. I had more energy than I had in years, and could feel my well being improving.”

After the diet change, Faban thrust himself into a more alternative approach to health and in 2015 Fabian decided to take the plu/nge and drink his uri/ne. Watch video.

Fabian said that his friends and family "weren't that surprised" - because he has always been a bit off the wall in his approach to health.

After enjoying the "benefits" of fresh urine, he began leaving some for up to a month – or until it reaches the desired PH level of nine.

Explaining the process of ageing his urine, Fabian said: “I store it in glass containers like mason jars, label it with the date and then leave it for around 30 days.”

The idea, Fabian says, is that by ageing it the urine goes through a "magnification process" and any alleged benefits will be more potent.

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