The uncle and nephew was a*ccused of k*illing a woman in 1976.

Two men who spent 43 years of their lives behind b*ars are now e*xonerated after years of proclaiming their i*nnocence.

Clifford Williams Jr. was 34 and his nephew, Hubert Nathan Myers, was only 18 when they were a*rrested in 1976.

Following a two-day t*rial, the pair were c*onvicted for sh*ooting Jeanette Williams and her girlfriend, Nina Marshall, in an apartment — one of which d*ied and the other lived. However, further i*nvestigation into the sh*ooting revealed neither men were responsible.

They were at a party in Jacksonville with scores of other attendees at the time of the sh*ooting. According to The Hill, the women knew the men socially. Marshall told authorities the two men were the c*ulprits despite e*vidence d*isputing her claim.

"I'm n*ervous because I feel like I'm still l*ocked up," Williams told CNN Thursday. "Once I get with my family and know I can look back ... and the reality h*its in, I think I'll be all right."

They are now 76 and 61 years old, respectively. After pleading their i*nnocence, new details have been released surrounding the c*ase. There was no physical evidence linking them to the sh*ooting.

"In fact, the physical and scientific evidence actually contradicts her testimony about what h*appened," according to a report from the state a*ttorney's office.

The woman said the g*unman was at the foot of the bed. Evidence showed the g*unsh*ots came from outside and there was only one g*un.

Also, Nathaniel Lawson confessed to the 1976 sh*ooting years after the pair were c*onvicted. He d*ied in 1994, but Lawson answered truthfully to a polygraph prior to his p*assing.

The Associated Press reports Williams and Myers are the first people to be freed due to Florida's new initiative started last year reviewing claims of w*rongful c*onviction. The C*onviction Integrity Review (CIR) division of the State’s A*ttorney’s O*ffice wrote in a statement they “no longer [have] confidence in the integrity of the c*onvictions or g*uilt of the a*ccused.”

"Everyone else had plugs in their ears and wouldn't listen," said Myers.

It turns out only Myers will be able to receive compensation from the state. According to The Florida Times-Union, Williams is not eligible due to his c*riminal record prior to the 1976 sh*ooting.

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