Unemployed nurse, Bongani Khunjwa, helps man hit by car. Photo credit: Rendani Manyage. Source: UGC

- Bongani Khunjwa, an unemployed professional nurse, was photographed helping a man who was b*leeding out on the side of the road - Khunjwa saw the man sustained a head i*njury and he was b*leeding h*eavily - He used his training and an e*mergency kit, which he has in his car at all times, to help the i*njured man.

Khunjwa was on his way home following a gym session when he saw a c*ommotion on the side of the road. He went to i*nvestigate and found a crowd surrounding a pedestrian that was h*it by a car. The nurse added his humanity would not allow him to drive by and he ran to his car to fetch his m*edical kit. The Sowetan reported the i*ncident took place in Cosmo City, Johannesburg, on Sunday. Khunjwa realised the man had a head i*njury and he used the little he had to stabilise the man on the scene.

"He was heavily b*leeding from his upper body, the head specifically. I b*andaged him, and assisted as necessary to prevent further b*lood loss," he said.

Even though he is unemployed on the moment, Khunjwa did not hesitate to assist because he does not see his profession as a job, he views it as a way of life.

"I live it daily, it's within me, 24 hours a day, employed or not," he added.

The 30-year-old revealed his mother taught him from a young age to be selfless and it motivated him to help other people. The Mpumalanga-born nurse said he finds helping others fulfilling.

"Growing up, I've always wanted to help, to make a difference. It makes one look forward to each and every day," the heroic nurse added.

Briefly.co.za can confirm that the i*njured man was stable by the time param*edics arrived to take him to a h*ospital in Joburg.

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