Bl*ood donation recipients are meeting the b*lood donors who may have saved their lives and their reactions will move you to tears…
Western Cape, South Africa – The Western Cape B*lood Services (WCBS) have launched a campaign that is moving people to tears.
They are introducing b*lood donors to the people who have received life-saving b*lood t*ransfusions.
With Easter and Ramadan taking place over April and May, both religious seasons focus on the importance of reflection and charity. This is the ideal time to give back to those in need. The Western Cape B*lood Service (WCBS) has launched a b*lood donation campaign, which highlights the impact that a single donation can have on another person’s life.
“You might not know who your b*lood is going to, but you can be sure that it will make a difference in someone’s life,” says Michelle Vermeulen, spokesperson for WCBS.
“We hope that this campaign will inspire people to give b*lood. Although many people will need a b*lood transfusion at some point in their lives, less than 1.5% of the population donates.”
The series of videos place the donor in the spotlight, highlighting the personal relationship that donating b*lood creates with the possible recipient. The videos show that anyone can donate regardless of race, gender or ethnicity. No matter who you are, you can save three lives with each donation.
“During the Easter period and over Ramadan, we see a significant drop in b*lood stocks.
Many of our regular donors are away on holiday for Easter or fasting over the religious month of Ramadan,” says Vermeulen.
“This is a critical time – with the Western Cape population growing steadily, we need your help in order to meet the increasing demand for b*lood.”
The b*lood donated is given to t*rauma and a*ccident v*ictims, s*urgery p*atients, b*urn v*ictims and people with b*lood d*iseases such as l*eukaemia and s*ickle-cell a*naemia.
“Every unit of whole b*lood is separated into three lifesaving parts; red cells, p*latelets and p*lasma,” says Vermeulen.
To donate you need to be between the ages of 16 and 65, weigh over 50kg, be in good general health and lead a safe sexual lifestyle. The process does not cause you any bodily harm – only 475ml of b*lood is taken, and this is replaced within 24 hours.
For more information on how you can save a life, SMS “Bl*ood” to 33507, call WCBS on 021 507 6300, e-mail or visit For b*loodstock updates and interesting facts about donation check out their various social media websites.
These are some of their stories, grab the tissues because we were moved to tears watching their reactions.
Titus Mmekoa and Majed Almhdi’s story
Inkie Lotter and Aislinn Louis’s story
Veronica Ntshwanti and Devon Walbrugh’s story