It's not looking good for Kodak Black.

A few weeks ago, Kodak Black was a*rrested prior to Rolling Loud on federal and state w*eapons ch*arges; the feds proceeded to reveal the reasoning behind the a*rrest, which stemmed from Kodak allegedly f*alsifying gun applications in order to procure himself a f*irea*rm.

In any case, the rapper's t*roubling legal history loomed overhead, prompting p*rosecutors to implore a J*udge to revoke Kodak's $500,000 bond. Unfortunately for the young D*ying To Live rapper, the J*udge has sided with the p*rosecutors, leaving Kodak stuck in j*ail for the foreseeable future.

While he's set to appear in c*ourt this August, a report from WPLG has indicated the Judge's reasoning behind taking bond off the table, at least to an extent. Apparently, Judge Federico Moreno deemed Kodak to be a "danger to the community," citing his longstanding history of prior ch*arges. One has to wonder if Kodak's lifestyle is in the process of catching up to him. He's currently facing up to thirty years in p*rison, and barring some truly impeccable work from his legal team, it doesn't appear as if the system is on his side.

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