9-year old, Cashlin, from South Carolina is living proof that miracles really do happen. The young boy has been through more at his tender age than any child should ever have to go through. Cashlin was born with a genetic condition that affected
his heart and as a result he had to undergo a heart t*ransplant s*urgery at only two years old. Thankfully, the procedure was a success.
For the following couple of years, Cashlin lived a happy and healthy life like any child his age. He liked playing his favorite sport baseball and video games.
Then his family got d*evastating news. When Cashlin was seven, d*octors d*iagnosed him with c*ancer.
Then, at just 7 years old, Cashlin’s family got heartb*reaking news, the d*octors d*iagnosed him with a rare type of c*ancer.
This is not uncommon for heart t*ransplant recipients. A study in the Journal of the American College of C*ardiology states that more than 10% of people who undergo the procedure develop c*ancer later.
While in most cases, it’s skin c*ancer, he had l*eukemia. The young boy needed t*reatment and he needed it fast. The problem was because of his t*ransplant, his heart couldn’t handle ch*emotherapy. The situation got even worse when his k*idneys began to fail.
Through all these challenges, Cashlin’s mom, Yameika Stover, never stopped believing and praying that her child would be okay.
Cashlin had three specialists working tirelessly to help him regain his health, an o*ncologist, a heart specialist, and a k*idney d*octor.
When his o*ncologist, Dr. Javier Oesterheld at Levine Children’s H*ospital, learned about a new t*reatment, he decided to try it on him.
Cashlin was the first patient at Levine Children’s H*ospital to be t*reated with b*rentuximab. Almost instantly after beginning t*reatment, he started to improve.
“I think he’s a miracle,” Dr. Oesterheld told WCNC and we all agree!
Despite everything he’s been through, Cashlin is back to being a happy, healthy young boy.
You can watch Cashlin’s story in the video below: