Tiffany Haddish reportedly is set to face her husband in court next year after being sued for defamation, slander and libel. (Photo: Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

Tiffany Haddish reportedly is scheduled to be in a Texas c*ourtroom on April 20, 2020, because a j*udge set a t*rial date after her ex-husband William Stewart s*ued her for d*efamation, s*lander and l*ibel. The s*uit was f*iled in 2018 after Haddish said Stewart was a*busive in her 2017 memoir “The Last Black Unicorn.”

She also claimed Stewart caused a miscarriage during the a*buse, and her ex is now seeking $1 million in damages.

In one chapter of the memoir titled “The Ex-Husband,” Haddish also said her ex s*talked her, although she didn’t mention his name specifically. Simon & Schuster, the book’s publisher, is named in the laws*uit as well.

Stewart hasn’t only denied that he a*bused or s*talked his ex, he said that Haddish admitted it during a 2012 interview with comedian Dom Irrera.

“He never b*eat me up, he just ch*oked me a little bit,” she said then.

In c*ourt documents, Stewart’s l*awyer claimed the ch*oking came from Haddish regularly requesting her ex “to ch*oke her as part of their s*exual i*ntercourse,” and there was no a*buse.

Stewart also addressed a temporary restraining order that his ex f*iled against him during their marriage that she later tried to get dismissed.

“Ms. Haddish recanted the a*llegations in the TRO and pled with law enf*orcement to dismiss the TRO because it was untrue. In fact, she confessed to a*ttacking Mr. Stewart,” court documents read.

Plus, before he f*iled the s*uit, Stewart said he wrote letters to Haddish in effort to settle everything out of c*ourt, but she responded with clichés like “Be patient your blessings are coming” and “Start to think positive so positive things can come your way. Because your blessings are waiting on you.”

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