As the d*ivorce drama between Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter rolls on, the talk show diva’s estranged ex is starting to get p*aranoid. A new report claims that Hunter called the p*olice twice on two different days because of possible t*respassers at the New Jersey home he once shared with Williams.

According to p*olice reports, Hunter called the cops on April 18th and April 21st and reported h*arassment and public d*isturbances. The April 21st call took place at 2:29 pm, and he told the p*olice there was an i*ntruder on his property.

“He then stated the individual was on the neighbor’s property, and finally stated [that] the individual is on public property,” the report explained.

When p*olice arrived, they reportedly found “a couple of people in the woods,” but they “left the area.”

According to Radar Online, on the 18th, Hunter claimed that there was a vehicle full of possible i*ntruders on the street, but when the c*ops showed up, they determined the individuals weren’t b*reaking any l*aws.

There was also a report that Hunter called the p*olice on April 20th when Williams showed up unannounced with a truck to move out of the Livingston, New Jersey, home.

In the p*olice report documenting the i*ncident, Hunter demanded that Williams leave things alone and ordered the moving company to leave.

Williams’ friend Ronald Clinton and her son Kevin Jr. were at the house and helped the former couple reach a “fair compromise.” The 54-year-old ended up taking her clothes, some artwork, and bedroom furniture.

“Mr. and Mrs. Hunter mutually agreed to these terms, and further agreed that the remaining furnishings were to be undisturbed, inventoried, and valued at a later date,” the report reads.

Williams f*iled for d*ivorce on April 11th after Hunter allegedly had a baby with his longtime mistress, Sharina Hudson. Williams and Hunter have been married for more than 22 years, and he was involved in every aspect of the talk show host’s life.

Hunter was Williams’ manager and the executive producer of The Wendy Williams Show. He was also the co-owner of Wendy Williams Production. However, after she f*iled for d*ivorce, Williams f*ired Hunter as her manager and booted him from her talk show.

As for his ownership in the production company, that will all be worked out during the d*ivorce settlement.

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