Rollins Edwards, who lives in Summerville, S.C., shows one of his many s*cars from exposure to m*ustard g*as in World W*ar II military experiments. More than 70 years after the exposure, his skin still falls off in flakes. For years, he carried around a jar full of the flakes to try to convince people of what happened to him. Source: AMELIA PHILLIPS HALE FOR NPR

Black enlisted men were u*sed as human g*uinea pigs in ch*emical experiments during World W*ar II—not by Nazi Germany, but by Uncle Sam.

As was reported by NPR, 60,000 American soldiers were enrolled in a secret ch*emical w*eapons testing program in which they were exposed to mu*stard g*as and the ch*emical agent lewisite, which causes l*ung i*rritation and b*listers. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Defense conducted the tests based on the race of the soldiers. Black, Japanese-American and Puerto Rican soldiers were l*ocked in a g*as chamber and exposed to the ch*emicals. White soldiers were used as the control group.

“They said we were being tested to see what effect these g*ases would have on Black skins,” said Rollins Edwards, 93, of Summerville, S.C. “You had no choice. You did not know where you were going. They didn’t tell you anything.”

Edwards says his skin still falls off in flakes as a result of the testing. For years, the World W*ar II veteran carried around a jar full of flakes to convince people that something had happened to him.

Although the Pentagon had admitted as early as 1991 that the A*rmy tested m*ustard g*as on enlisted s*oldiers during World W*ar II—and the experiment program was officially declassified in 1993—news about the r*acial targeting of s*oldiers was kept under wraps until recently.

This revelation that the A*rmy tested ch*emical w*eapons on s*oldiers of color is both troubling and an o*utrage, but the concept of Black people being used in medical and other experiments is by no means a new phenomenon. There are numerous examples of Black people being used as g*uinea pigs in unethical medical experiments. Perhaps the most well-known example is the Tuskegee experiment, in which the Tuskegee Institute and the U.S. Public Health Service studied the natural progression of syphilis in 600 Black men, who were never notified of their condition and were not treated. The tests, which began in 1932, did not end until news reports exposed the inh*umane and r*acist practice in 1972.

But there are other cases beyond Tuskegee. For example, in the early 1800s, Sara Baartman, or “Hottentot Venus,” one of two KhoiKhoi women made into freak show attractions in Europe, was subjected to medical experiments. And modern gynecology was the result of t*orturous gynecological experiments that J. Marion Sims performed on ens*laved women without a*nesthesia.

At the turn of the century, the U.S. Public Health Service conducted experiments on Black p*risoners s*uffering from p*ellagra, which is a B-13 or niacin deficiency leading to sensitivity to sunlight skin lesions, dementia and d*eath.

In 1945, 53-year-old truck driver, Ebb Cabe, was i*njected with p*lutonium by the U.S. Atomic Agency after he was taken to the h*ospital and kept there for six months following a car a*ccident. Cabe received 40 times the amount of p*lutonium—the key ingredient for a n*uclear b*omb—a typical person is exposed to over the course of a lifetime. He d*ied eight years later of heart f*ailure.

During the 1950s, the CIA and the U.S. military released half a million mosquitoes with yellow and dengue f*ever into Black Florida communities, leading to multiple i*llnesses and d*eaths. The government wanted to assess the use of mosquitoes as military w*eapons. Also in that decade, Henrietta Lacks became the first test subject on cloning, without her knowledge or permission, with 20 tons of her cells grown since her d*eath.

During the 1950s and 1960s, poor Black St. Louis neighborhoods were used in Cold War experiments in which the A*rmy, using aerosol blowers mounted on vehicles and rooftops, sprayed a radiation-laced toxin called zinc cadmium sulfide, a fluorescent powder. Thousands likely inh*aled the t*oxins.

Rollins Edwards as a young soldier in 1945 at Clark Air Base in the Philippines. Source: AMELIA PHILLIPS HALE FOR NPR

In the 1990s, children in Los Angeles were i*njected with an experimental m*easles v*accine unapproved by the FDA, and one which had developed a bad reputation for increasing high d*eath rates in Haiti, Guinea Bissau and Senegal.

Between 2006 and 2010, 148 female p*risoners in two California p*risons—the majority Black and Latino— were s*terilized without their consent. Meanwhile, Israel subjected African immigrant women to mandatory contraceptive i*njections of Depo-Provera, leading to a 20 percent birth rate decline for Ethiopian Israelis.

In 2000, federally funded researchers placed sludge from a sewage treatment plant on lawns and vacant lots in Baltimore and East St. Louis. The communities were told the t*oxic waste was safe. And in 2012, at least 500 children in Chad were given MenAfriVac—whose side effects include convulsions and p*aralysis— without notification or parental consent.

In addition, the CDC hid evidence that Black babies had more than triple the chance of developing a*utism if they were given an experimental m*easles v*accine before the age of three.

For years, the Black community has warned of conspiracies against their communities, and were told they were neurotic and imagining things. But as the latest news from the Pentagon shows us, these conspiracies are not theories but reality.

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