At one of her recent concerts, Cardi B made a statement to her audience that immediately raised some eyebrows, and has been widely discussed ever since.

The rapper seems to think that having a daughter — baby Kulture — would prevent her from going to j*ail, as she specifically said: “I ain’t going to j*ail, I got a daughter!”

This was in reference to the c*riminal a*ssault cha*rges she is currently facing, on top of several misd*emeanor ch*arges that she will have to deal with as well.

The rapper allegedly a*ttacked two bartenders at a club about a year ago and has been involved in a laws*uit over the i*ncident ever since.

However, it does not seem like Cardi is all too affected by the idea of going to j*ail at the moment, as she was recently seen partying it up in various places, generally enjoying the celebrity life for all it has to offer.

She was also spotted together with various other celebrities and was seemingly having a good time all throughout.

Meanwhile, the rapper has also been facing a lot of backlashes online for some recent comments she has made.

Some of her fans have withdrawn their support after she showed a different side of herself during those i*ncidents, and her recent behavior in connection with her ongoing laws*uit certainly has not helped either.

It looks like Cardi is willing to take those hits to her reputation though, as she has made it clear that she is not backing down anytime soon, and has been moving forward with her career.

The diva recently shared a sweet picture of her little princess, and fans love it.

One supporter said: “I hope you and offset, can give Kulture a baby brother. Kulter is growing up w a lot of culture 🙏🏼 thanks to her mommy. God bless.”

This follower shared: “I’m loving all the photos Bardi😍😍😍 your ig feed be looking like the locals with all them challenges and memes😩😩😩 keep blessing us with pics for a change lol.”

La La Anthony added: “She’s gorgeous. ❤️❤️❤️”

Tiny Harris also showed some love and wrote: “Gorgeous girl😻.” Lil Kim stated: “Yup that’s how it be. 🤷🏽‍♀️❤️🙏🏽”

Offset’s wife is a force of nature and does not get intimated fast.

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