I don’t know why we are forced to live in a world where Kellyanne Conway talks to reporters but this is the life Donald Trump has created. On Tuesday, Conway spoke to journalists—and things took a really weird turn.

According to the Daily Beast, Andrew Feinberg, a writer for BeltwayBreakfast.com asked the White House counselor about the r*acist remarks the president tweeted towards the fab four freshman congresswomen, in which the president instructed them to “go back” to the countries they came from—a popular refrain from white nationalists and garden variety r*acists.

Feinberg wanted to know which countries the president was instructing the women to “go back” to since all of the women—Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar—are U.S. citizens.

Conway snapped back, “What’s your ethnicity?,” the Daily Beast reports.

“Uh...why is that relevant?” Feinberg asked before Conway shouted, “Because I’m asking you a question.”

Note to Conway: Pointing out that you’ve asked a question doesn’t make said question relevant unless you are a parent talking to your child; then you can get away with this. Just wanted to point this out, in case Conway has any intention of leaving the fictional world that the Trump administration has created and re-entering the real world.

Conway then overshares that her ancestors are from Ireland and Italy, which no one asked. Literally, no one asked her this.

“My ethnicity is not relevant to the question I’m asking you,” the reporter noted.

Conway stuck to her talking point that the president said “originally” in his tweet, meaning that they should go back to the country of their ancestors, and therefore it’s not r*acist. Conway then went on a spirited rant about how “a lot of us are sick and tired in this country of America coming last, to people who swore an oath of office. Sick and tired of…”

I stopped listening at this point because I can’t get past how much Conway looks like Skeletor from He-man.

The Daily Beast notes that during an appearance on Fox News earlier in the day, Conway noted that “the Squad,” as the freshman congresswomen have been called, represent a “dark underbelly in this country.” Which is bizarre, considering that the Trump administration also represents the dark underbelly of Russia’s influence in American elections.

At this point, I’m convinced that Kellyanne Conway is a White House crisis actor, as I have trouble believing that her husband can write an op-ed for the Washington Post titled “Trump is a R*acist President” while his wife is spouting Trump’s fictional version of events.

See Conway’s shenanigans in the video HERE.

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