Bow Wow and Kiyomi Leslie dated on and off for over a year before a v*iolent f*ight that landed both of them in j*ail caused them to call it quits for good. After seeing how the f*ight was portrayed on Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta, Kiyomi took to social media to get some things off of her chest.

Apparently, Bow Wow and his mother discussed the domestic v*iolence i*ncident and made the model out to be the bad guy while the actor maintained his innocence. This understandably upset Kiyomi who made some shocking a*llegations on Twitter.

‘A n**** get a few s*cratches on his face and he loss and got b*eat up? LMAO… man what y’all wanted me to do? let the l*ame b*eat me up like he did in the past?’ Kiyomi revealed.

In another tweet, she claimed: ‘Bet he won’t tell y’all the p*olice been called out more than that one occasion and his family lied & covered for him that time. He beat me while I was pregnant. P*unched me in my stomach & all… l*ost my baby and still covered for the weak a** n****.’

The reality star also expressed regret for ever dating the rapper.

‘I refuse to let him and his washed up family belittle me and trash my name just because their WEAK A** child/family member wanted to date me.

I wish I would turned him down and kept it moving.’

She also called out his mother.

‘His weak a** momma called me sounding all concerned that her son b*eat me… TERESA KNEW her son beat me numerous times and still got on national television to lie… YOU LUCKY MY MOMMA RAISED ME TO RESPECT WOMEN BECAUSE WHEEEEEW ! Trashhhhh.’

This comes after the tumultuous couple set social media on fire when their mugsh*ots were released. Many people defended Shad Moss and decided that Leslie was the a*ggressor simply from seeing the s*cratches on his face.

Weeks after the p*olice report was made public, it was revealed that Kiyomi told authorities that Bow Wow was a*busive.

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