While most children are figuring out how they'll navigate the new school year, one South Carolina kid added another task to his list - thinking of ways to help the people in his community.

6-year-old Jermaine Bell decided to forego his birthday trip to Disney World and use the money to help Hurricane Dorian evacuees instead, Fox 5 DC reports. He had been saving up his money for the trip but with the damage the hurricane caused, he decided that the money would best be spent elsewhere.

For the last week we’ve been hearing about the damage Hurricane Dorian has caused. From the d*evastation in the Bahamas, to mandatory evacuations in Florida and state of emergencies in Georgia, everyone is preparing the best way they know how. And little Jermaine Bell is just one of many trying to do their part.

For the last couple of days, Bell has also been giving out free hot dogs and snacks along a highway in Allendale, South Carolina to those evacuating the area.

“The people that are traveling to go to other places, I wanted them to have some food to eat, so they can enjoy the ride to the place that they're going to stay at,” Jermaine told Fox news.

Jermaine’s grandmother said that he is an inspiration and a blessing to the evacuees. He even stopped to pray for a family that was worried about their house being okay during the storm.

While Jermaine still plans to celebrate his birthday in Disney World one day, it won’t be this year as he’ll be spending it helping those in need. He turns 7 on September 8th.

Thank you Jermaine! Here’s wishing you an amazing birthday in advance!

Photo Courtesy of Fox 5 DC

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