When Howard Foster and Myra Clark were dating in the 1960s, things were very different. Racism was so bad that Howard was forced to break up with Myra because he feared she could never be happy if they stayed together. Thankfully, fate had another chance for them to be happy over decades later.

Living in Columbus, Ohio, at the time, Howard and Myra were so happy together, often talking on the phone until the small hours of the morning. However, the pair had to put up with constant stares and comments from others because they were an interracial couple.

Howard was forced to break up with Myra because he feared she could never be happy if they stayed together.

Together, they attended Columbus West High School and went on to college where things took a turn for the worse. Howard’s experience differed significantly from Myra’s. He said he was the only black person at that time attending Columbus Technical Institute, currently the Columbus State Community College, and faced racism from his professors.

“It didn’t matter how well I did the project, it was always a D. I had never experienced that type of racism, that way. I said, ‘It’s just not going to be good.’ I really thought about her.” Howard revealed.

Not wanting Myra to face the same prejudice he faced, Howard decided he had no choice but to break up with her. So he arranged to meet Myra and ended their relationship. Myra didn’t say anything, but got up and walked away. At the opposite ends of the block, the two turned and looked back at each other and waved. Myra said she felt that meant they would see each other again someday and as it came to be, she was right.

“Society wasn’t going to let us be together and she be happy … She’d get tired of the stares; I just thought it was unfair to her,” Howard said. “Her happiness was the most important thing.”

Myra said she felt that meant they would see each other again someday and as it came to be, she was right.

Thanks to a mutual friend, the two were reunited in 2013. The two reconnected at Sharon Woods Metro Park and they held hands across a picnic table as they talked like they’d never been apart.

“It was that dream you just never thought would come true … there she was,” Howard told U.SNews

The couple, now in their 60s, were never to be separated again and got married in 2015!

The couple, now in their 60s, were never to be separated again and got married in 2015! “We enjoy each other; we really enjoy each other,” Howard said. “I walked away once; I was not going to walk away again.”

Watch this happy couple’s story of love and triumph in the video below.

We are so glad Howard and Myra found each other again and can now be happy and in love once more. Please share this story of love to wish this amazing couple well.

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