MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian lawmaker Vasily Vlasov, first deputy chairman of the lower house's committee for natural resources, has invited 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg to deliver a speech in the Russian lower house, the State Duma, for the country's youth.

"I am aware of the Russian youth's concerns over global ecology problems. I know how difficult it may be for adult politicians to find compromise even regarding such vitally important matters. As representatives of the young generation, we should not be silent, when our future is at stake, and we will not allow sentencing us to extinction. On my behalf, I invite you to deliver an address for the Russian youth in the State Duma on any date that is convenient for you," Vlasov said in his letter, sent to the Swedish Embassy in Russia.

Vlasov also praised Thunberg's energy and strong will.

In a separate letter for Swedish Ambassador to Russia Malena Mard, Vlasov asked her to make sure that Thunberg received the invitation, noting that he had no information on the young activist's exact place of residence.

Thunberg has inspired the Fridays For Future environmental initiative after rallying against lack of climate action in front of the Swedish parliament every day for three weeks during school hours in 2018.

Recently, she has delivered a passionate speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit, accusing global political leaders of failing to take necessary steps.

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