Principal Dr. Belinda George reading bedtime stories

Beaumont, TX — Dr. Belinda George, the principal at an elementary school in Texas, is more than just an educator during normal school hours. She also finds time to read bedtime stories and have it streamed for her students to watch through the school’s Facebook page.

Every Tuesday at 7:30pm, George is comfortably in pajamas as she sits in front of her iPhone camera to film a live stream of her online bedtime story reading session for the children she adoringly calls “scholars” instead of students.

George, who is in her first year as principal at Homer Elementary School, started the story sessions in hopes to encourage good reading habits even outside the classroom and “bridge the gap between home and school.”

When George found the idea of story streaming on a forum for teachers, she immediately considered doing it.

“I want to extend what I do past 4 p.m. I’m not in every child’s home, so I don’t know if all or any of them have someone to read to them at night. This is just a way to give the children that exposure,” George told WBAL TV.

Geroge’s first bedtime story session in mid-December last year instantly received positive feedback. Since then, she made it a Tuesday night habit and the videos have so far garnered thousands of views locally and beyond.

“I don’t have children of my own, so I love these kids with all my heart,” she said.

Keava Turner, a mother from Beaumont, said all her four children watch the live stream and she loves it.

She said, “I have a 14-year-old, a third-grader, and first-grader who go to Homer, and my 10-month-old even sits still to watch.”

What’s more, students who watch the live session could get accelerated reading points from the corresponding test they could take after the reading. Those points would be used to monitor and manage the student’s independent reading practices as well as would help students choose the books they are interested in.

“The point is just to get the children interested in what is being read or what they are reading by relating it to things that they may be experiencing,” George said.

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