C*ops say as part of the i*nvestigation into Wilkos' a*ccident, a search warrant for his medical records was secured and it discovered his BAC was .29% and way over the legal limit the afternoon he c*rashed his car.

A warrant was issued for Steve's a*rrest, but he turned himself in Wednesday evening in Connecticut. He's been ch*arged with operating under the influence and failure to drive right. He was released after posting $1,500 bond.

Steve Wilkos just confessed to TMZ, he lied when he told us the h*orrific car c*rash in which he was involved last month was the result of him being distracted as he reached for his glasses ... he was actually under the influence of a*lcohol.

We've learned the talk show host was ch*arged Wednesday with DUI in the single-car c*rash in Darien, Conn.

We broke the story, Wilkos struck several poles and a tree before the vehicle rolled over. He went to a h*ospital for minor i*njuries and his show was put on ice for a few days while he recovered.

Wilkos tells TMZ, "Over the course of my life, I have been s*truggling with bouts of d*epression and on the day of my a*ccident, I had a complete lapse in j*udgment which resulted in me drinking and getting behind the wheel of my car."

He went on ... "This experience reinforces my commitment to get the professional help that I need and I have recently completed an intensive medically supervised program" ... translation, rehab.

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