Seven Bridges, 10, a*llegedly d*i*ed by s*ui*cide after being b*ull*ied at school for wearing a c*olostomy bag. (GoFundMe)
A 10-year-old Kentucky boy allegedly d*i*ed by s*ui*cide after he was repeatedly t*orme*nted at school for wearing a c*olostomy bag, reports said Tuesday.
Seven Bridges t*ook his o*wn life at his family’s home on Saturday while his mother was out grocery sh*opping, WHAS-TV reported.
Bridges was b*orn with an un*specified b*owel c*ondition and e*ndured 26 un*successful s*urge*ries to fix the i*ssue, WDRB-TV reported. The a*ilm*ent resulted in the need to w*ear a c*olostomy bag.
A c*olostomy bag collects w*aste from a p*ortion of the c*olon outside the body, according to the Mayo C.linic.
B*ull*ies reportedly t*arge*ted the child over the smell from the bag. B r i d g e s endured months of r*epeated b*ull*ying, his mother, Tami Charles, told the station.
"JCPS: You all f*ailed my baby," Ch a r l i e s said of her son's school district.
The family reportedly plans to take l*egal ac*tion against Jefferson C*ounty Public Schools.
The district says its has opened an i*nvesti*gation, but cannot comment on pending l*itiga*tion.