Guess how many colleges she was accepted to? Now, add 30 more schools to whatever your guess is.

Over the next few days, your social media feeds will be flooded with prom pictures, graduation photos and college admission reaction videos. While you will undoubtedly see many impressive and happy videos, it'll be hard to find something more exciting than what Antoinette Love has accomplished in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Love is a senior at the International High School of New Orleans who is set to graduate this spring. Similar to many other fortunate high school seniors, she'll have a tough time deciding where she'll be attending college next year. However, her decision won't be difficult because she was rejected from her dream school. Her decision will be extremely difficult because she got in practically everywhere. To be specific, this New Orleans high school student was accepted to 115 colleges and universities across the country. The acceptance also came along with a ton of financial assistance. Her mother, Yolanda, told that the first school that accepted her daughter offered $72,000 in scholarships. Unfortunately, none of the schools have offered a full ride as of yet.

According to USA Today, she began applying to schools in September and the acceptances began rolling in. While she didn't have time to name all of the 115 colleges and universities she had been accepted to, she did mention that she had been accepted to 50 HBCUs.

How did she apply to so many schools? USA Today reports that Love utilized fee waivers from the Common App and the Common Black College Application to shoot her shot at so many schools.

Don't think that Love's greatness ends in the classroom. In addition to earning a 3.5 GPA, she takes courses at a local community college and helps look after her four younger siblings. Not to mention, she's also a member of the National Senior Beta Club, the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, and Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society at her school.

After learning about her accomplishments, her mother was more proud than you could imagine. She told, "We have so much going on in our lives to where this is that one moment where it’s something good and something positive, not only for our family but for the city, too, to show what kind of kids New Orleans has." Love's school echoed her mother's excitement with a Facebook post that read, "The IHSNO community is so proud of you and your accomplishments!"

Love is unsure about where she'll go to college, but she has a lot of options and a few more weeks until National College Decision Day on May 1.

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