I’m thoroughly frustrated with hearing this idea that we (Black Americans) can achieve our goal of “freedom” from the system of white s*upremacy and oppression by asking, begging, compromising, voting, praying, sitting, or waiting.

Although it appears we have made much progress, we are still completely under the foot of the same r*acist “white s*upremacist” system that has mastered the art of stealing, k*illing and destroying everyone and everything on planet earth. Their v*iolent tendencies and capitalistic mentality has spread throughout the globe like a cancerous plague, creating conscious or unconscious agents of white s*upremacy along the way.

We are not dealing with a “moral” system. We are not dealing with a system that has a righteous conscious. We are not dealing with a moral or righteous people. I’m not even sure we’re dealing with real humans at this point. How could humans with a soul be so able and willing to destroy, divide and devour everything in sight without even a hint of regret? At some point, wouldn’t the “human” conscious kick in and feel SOMETHING that says “we have to stop this…”?

Black people, especially in America, have seen nothing but hate and suffering brought forth by the system of white s*upremacy. We have been m*urdered, ens*laved, tortured, experimented on, c*riminalized, b*eat, wh*ipped, r*aped, r*obbed, u*sed, m*islead and any other word you can think of to describe the characteristics of v*iolent o*ppression.

After generations and generations of being victims of the system of white s*upremacy, we have learned how to hate ourselves and even k*ill ourselves just as good as the system of white s*upremacy. Sure there’s always been tribal beefs and family squabbles, but nothing like the insane amount of senseless m*urders committed against each other these days. We learned this m*urderous and psychotic behavior from white people. Hell, apparently k*illing black people is an American tradition as much as apple pie and baseball.

Don’t forget, we were prisoners of war for over 300 years and during this time we got expert lessons from white people on how to hate ourselves. As well as how to k*ill ourselves. As a unit we have not received the necessary psychological therapy required to heal 300 plus years of generational trauma so it’s no wonder why many of our people still exhibit the same behaviors and attitudes of our former s*laver masters. Keep in mind that the less physical but modern system of white s*upremacy is equally as effective in generating self hatred in the minds of black people in America, and around the world.

Why is that some of us are still waiting for these same white people to love us? To make things right? To apologize? To give us back what we lost?

Can’t you see? Don’t you understand? AS A COLLECTIVE, WHITE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO BE TRULY EMPATHIC TO NON-WHITE HUMANS NOR CO-EXIST WITH ANYONE ON THE ENTIRE PLANET IN PEACE AND HARMONY. It’s always a s*lave/master, dependent/independent, employee/boss, peasant/king, dumb student/genius teacher type of relationship. You can call me a r*acist all you want, but prove me wrong. When have white people as a collective brought anything but g*enocide, s*lavery, mistreatment, injustice and d*eath to indigenous peoples of the world?

That’s why you asking for justice does nothing. That’s why your prayers for peace are demolished. That’s why after 400 years they still demonstrate that they hate us are still conjuring plans keep us in complete subservience. That’s why they m*urder us on camera, with witnesses, and get paid vacations. That’s why they replaced chattel s*lavery with the prison industrial complex. That’s why they laugh at us when we bring up all of the crimes and injustices they’ve committed against our people.

That’s why they celebrate their greatest m*urderers and call them heroes. That’s why they’ve been able to m*urder 100’s of millions of indigenous people all around the globe and still feel like the model of morality and the example of a righteous people.

The system of white s*upremacy does not view us as human beings. The system fuels white people around the world with an air of superiority over everything and everyone. To it, or to them, we are nothing more than unsophisticated savages biologically predestined for subservience and complete domination. As a system, as a culture, as a people this is the general attitude demonstrated toward us.

If we want to be free from this devilish system of white s*upremacy that aims to dominate all non-white peoples of the known universe then we must be willing to pay the ultimate price. Freedom is not free.

The “Devil” will never LET us out of hell, remember that.

I’m well aware that as a unit, black people in America are still dependent on the system of white s*upremacy for basic human needs: food, clothes, and shelter. Not only that, but we are severely out gunned. Between the government and the p*olice, what little w*eapons we have are no match for the w*eapons they’ve been stockpiling for hundreds of years.

To top it off, we can’t even agree or get along amongst ourselves long enough to make some serious strategical moves. In other words, we are in no shape for a “revolution”. This is something we need to fix immediately. Being self-sufficient and learning to unite should be our highest priority.

In the meantime, how long we can sit around while the p*olice, the “justice” system, and government mu*rder us how they want and when they want without any consequence? We know our lives don’t matter to them, but what about to us? Can we stop k*illing each other so we can deal with the real enemy? Are our lives worth fighting for?

Either we lay down right now and just d*ie, neglecting billions of ancestors and millions of years of indigenous history in the process. Or we as unit remove the “s*lave mind” forced upon us and decide to that we have the human right to live on earth in peace and abundance and are willing to manifest our birth right by “any means necessary”.

It’s clear they won’t “give” us our freedom, we must take it.

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