Life is a harsh ordeal for stray pets. They have to struggle just to find basic needs like food and water on a daily basis. Another harsh reality for these animals is some people consider them to be pests, and they abuse or kill them. An adorable little puppy named Leona was recently the victim of such an attack by a man who was high on drugs.

Leona was struck several times by the man even though she did nothing to provoke the attack. The abuse was so severe that the puppy's life was in immediate danger. The poor dog was found later on the sidewalk unable to move and completely helpless. Her only hope was that someone would come along and save her life.

Luckily for her, a compassionate person happened to show up just in time. The little dog who was only a baby was taken by the rescuer to a vet for emergency treatment. Leona had multiple injuries and medical issues that were overall life-threatening. Her ears were infected and the injuries to her legs were serious. She was unable to stand and had impaired balance. Leona was also suffering a lot of pain. The vet realized that the puppy would need immediate surgery in order to survive.

The doctor gave her some IV pain medication, and the relief brought tears to her eyes. Soon her life would become much better. The surgery on her legs went well, and she is expected to make a speedy and complete recovery. The puppy's rescuer is now taking care of the puppy until she is adopted by a loving family.

Can anything be done to prevent attacks on dogs like Leona? Let us know in the comments. If you want to help this puppy find a new home, let people know about her story by spreading the word about this article.

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